Psychtoolbox interfaces between Matlab or Octave and the computer hardware. The PTB core routines provide high performance 2D and 3D graphics with the highest color and luminance precision, timing precision and control. This both on standard displays, as well as with special visual stimulators, and with High Dynamic Range displays, and with a wide variety of Virtual/Augmented Reality devices. They expose raw OpenGL commands, support video playback and capture, as well as low-latency precisely timed audio playback and capture. They facilitate the collection of observer responses with high timing precision via various input modalities like keyboard, mouse, game controllers, multi-touch touch screens, response boxes, gaze trackers, and digital / analog i/o equipment. Ancillary helper routines support common needs like color space transformations, calibration, and psychometric procedures like, e.g., the QUEST threshold seeking algorithm and others.

Various 3rd party frameworks and higher level toolboxes are built on top of Psychtoolbox to make implementation of research data collection especially easy in specific sub-domains of neuroscience. For beginners or certain domains there also exist user friendly 3rd party graphical user interfaces, e.g., PsyBuilder.

You can also run some of your Psychtoolbox studies online, via VPixx Labmaestro service under

Psychtoolbox has many active users, an active forum, and is widely cited. The current version supports at least Matlab R2024a on Linux, Windows and macOS, and Octave 5 and later on Linux, and Octave 7.3 on Windows, and Octave 9 on macOS.

Psychtoolbox News

Psychtoolbox updated


Psychtoolbox 3.0.19 update “Sommerloch” was released at 11th August 2024. As usual, the complete development history can be found in our GitHub repository. The release tag is “”, with the full tree and commit logs under the URL:

Compatibility changes wrt. Psychtoolbox

  • None expected.


  • None.


  • Screen('DrawDots'): Only apply a margin to non-square dot types. Only round dots get trimmed in the fragment shader, and so dot_type=4 was left with too much padding from the vertex shader. Bug fix contributed by Alex Forrence @aforren1

  • Python extensions built from this release onwards should also work with NumPy 2.x in addition to NumPy 1.x. Changes contributed by Eric Larson.


  • Psychtoolbox was built and tested against Matlab R2024a.

  • Undo Screen('OpenMovie') compatibility fix for Ubuntu 24.04-LTS, of using pipewiresink as audio sink. While this does fix the pulseaudio bugs of delayed playback (see Psychtoolbox, the pipewiresink plugin itself, as shipping in Ubuntu 24.04-LTS / GStreamer 1.24, has its own bugs, which are worse and impact more frequent use cases, e.g., seeking, change of playback speed, reverse playback, and instabilities or hangs at end of playback for some common movies. Iow. use of pipewiresink causes regressions.

    See forum bug report here:

    GStreamer folks know about the problem but there ain’t a solution yet.

    As of this release, the pipewiresink can still be used as an active opt-in, accepting other potential types of audio playback problems, and if opted in, should fix the following issue on Ubuntu 24.04-LTS and later, and other distributions that use Pipewire as desktop sound server and have an outdated buggy Pulseaudio 16 installation, instead of the more recent Pulseaudio 17.

    See the following issue for this bug, which is luckily not encountered often:

    On unfixed affected systems (mostly Ubuntu 22.04-LTS), if there is a notable time delay between Screen('OpenMovie') and start of video+audio playback via Screen('PlayMovie'), then the movie playback will freeze after displaying the 1st video frame for the duration of that delay between OpenMovie and PlayMovie, then continue. Problem didn’t exist in earler Linux distributions like Ubuntu 20.04-LTS and is fixed by this bug fix for later distros like Ubuntu 24.04-LTS from April 2024.

    The use of pipewiresink can be enforced as workaround by specifying the following string as ‘movieoptions’ parameter in Screen('Openmovie', ...); ‘AudioSink=pipewiresink’.

  • RaspberryPi now also allows GetSecs clock selection, like the Intel variants do since a few releases.


  • Psychtoolbox was built and lightly tested against Matlab R2024a and Octave 7.3.

  • GetGitPath(): Fix path to git on MS-Windows. Bug fix contributed by Alex Forrence @aforren1


  • Psychtoolbox was built and tested against Matlab R2024a and against Octave 9.2 from HomeBrew.

  • SetupPsychtoolbox(): Try to fix it properly for macOS with xattr calls. Skip xattr calls for .mltbx installed files via Matlab Add-On explorer, as those already have their quarantine flags removed.

    For other (zip file) install locations, handle blanks/spaces in the installation path.

    Also some output text cleanups and fixes. Tested with .mltbx and zip file path install on path with spaces etc. Lets hope this goes better.


Psychtoolbox updated


Psychtoolbox 3.0.19 update “Scraps” was released at 5th June 2024. As usual, the complete development history can be found in our GitHub repository. The release tag is “”, with the full tree and commit logs under the URL:

Some of this Psychtoolbox release was sponsored by Mathworks under the year 2023/2024 contract..

Compatibility changes wrt. Psychtoolbox

  • None.


  • None. Just some small fixups for improved Ubuntu 24.04-LTS and Matlab R2024a compatibility.



  • Psychtoolbox was built and tested against Matlab R2024a.

  • PsychLinuxConfiguration: Quote paths, to improve MLTBX compatibility.

  • PsychLinuxConfiguration(): Add users also to ‘gamemode’ group. This provides additional permissions to the gamemoded running on behalf of the user, to execute additional performance optimizations as part of Priority(n) with n > 0. Needed on at least Ubuntu 24.04-LTS and later.

  • Screen('OpenMovie'): On Linux, use pipewiresink as audio sink if available. Should fix the following issue on Ubuntu 24.04-LTS and later, and other distributions that use Pipewire as desktop sound server and have an outdated buggy Pulseaudio 16 installation, instead of the more recent Pulseaudio 17. The bug can’t be fixed on Ubuntu 22.04-LTS without manual user workarounds. See following issue for this bug, which is likely not encountered often:

    On unfixed affected systems (mostly Ubuntu 22.04-LTS), if there is a notable time delay between Screen('OpenMovie') and start of video+audio playback via Screen('PlayMovie'), then the movie playback will freeze after displaying the 1st video frame for the duration of that delay between OpenMovie and PlayMovie, then continue. Problem didn’t exist in earler Linux distributions like Ubuntu 20.04-LTS and is fixed by this bug fix for later distros like Ubuntu 24.04-LTS from April 2024.


  • Psychtoolbox was built and lightly tested against Matlab R2023b.


  • Psychtoolbox was built against Matlab R2023b and tested against Matlab R2024a and Octave 8.4 from HomeBrew. It also works on the new Octave 9.1 from HomeBrew

  • SetupPsychtoolbox: Quote paths, to improve MLTBX compatibility.

  • TextInOffscreenWindowTest.m: Fix it for Retina displays on macOS. Also cleanup.

  • BitsPlusPlus: Handle Apple macOS Retina displays properly for imaging pipeline validation runs.

  • ImagingStereoDemo: Handle Apple Retina displays properly during movie writing.

  • TwoStateQuery(): Add workaround for broken Matlab R2024a on Apple macOS.


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