USAGE: result=EyelinkLegacyDoTrackerSetup(el [, sendkey])
NOTE: This function is deprecated, unmaintained, and not recommended anymore.
Use EyelinkDoTrackerSetup() for a modern solution instead.
el: Eyelink default values
sendkey: set to go directly into a particular mode
sendkey is optional and ignored if el.callback is defined for
callback based tracker setup.
'v', start validation
'c', start calibration
'd', start driftcorrection
13, or el.ENTER\_KEY, show 'eye' setup image
Note that EyelinkLegacyDoTrackerSetup() internally uses Beeper() and Snd() to play
auditory feedback tones if el.targetbeep=1 or el.feedbackbeep=1 and the
el.callback function is set to the default PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback().
If you want to use PsychPortAudio in a script that also calls EyelinkLegacyDoTrackerSetup,
then read “help Snd” for instructions on how to provide proper interoperation
between PsychPortAudio and the feedback sounds created by Eyelink.