

err = Snd(command,[signal],[rate],[sampleSize])

Old Sound driver for Psychtoolbox. USE OF THIS DRIVER IS DEPRECATED FOR ALL BUT
THE MOST TRIVIAL PURPOSES! Only useful for simple feedback tones, and indirectly
by Eyelink’s calibration routines. Does not trivially mix well with simultaneous
use of PsychPortAudio(), see below for how to make it work with PsychPortAudio().

Have a look at the help for PsychPortAudio (“help PsychPortAudio” and
“help InitializePsychSound”) for an introduction into the new sound
driver, which is recommended for most purposes.

By default, Snd() uses Matlabs or Octaves audioplayer() function for sound
playback. This allows good interoperation with Screen()’s [GStreamer](GStreamer) based movie
playback functionality, as well as with other running audio client applications.
This has been tested under Octave 5+ and Matlab R2022b and R2023b on Windows-10,
macOS 13 and Ubuntu 20.04-LTS and later. The downside is that audioplayer() operates
with high audio latency, bad audio timing precision, unreliable and imprecise
audio timestamps, as well as very limited audio control and functionality. It
is mostly good enough for simple sound playback of stereo sound, e.g., some
audio feedback tones, not more.

Snd() can also be used with PsychPortAudio, but as a rather dumb and primitive
wrapper around the PsychPortAudio() driver. It uses PsychPortAudio’s most basic
functionality to achieve “sort of ok” sound playback. The driver is used in high
latency, low timing precision mode, so Snd()’s audio playback timing will likely
be very unreliable.

Alternatively you can create an empty file named ‘Snd_use_oldstyle.txt’ in
the PsychtoolboxConfigDir() folder, ie., [PsychtoolboxConfigDirSnd_use_oldstyle.txt’]
to enforce the old-style implementation of Snd(), which uses audioplayer().
The command Snd(‘Oldstyle’) also requests use of this old-style audioplayer() path.

Creating a file named ‘Snd_use_newstyle.txt’ similar to above will enforce use
of PsychPortAudio().

Audio device sharing for interop with PsychPortAudio

If you want to use PsychPortAudio and Snd() simultaneously, or one of the
functions that indirectly use Snd(), e.g., Beeper() for simple beep tones,
or Eyelink’s auditory feedback during tracker setup and recalibration (which
in turn uses Beeper() and thereby Snd()), then try this:

  1. Open a suitable PsychPortAudio audio device, possibly also a slave audio
    device and get a pahandle to it, e.g., pahandle = PsychPortAudio(‘Open’,…);
    or PsychPortAudio(‘OpenSlave’, …) for a slave device.

  2. Now open Snd(), passing in this device handle for use as Snd() output device:
    Snd(‘Open’, pahandle);

    If you want to repeatedly call Beeper(), or use auditory feedback from Eyelink,
    which itself repeatedly calls Beeper(), then you should open the shared pahandle
    via Snd(‘Open’, pahandle, 1); - This will prevent Snd(‘Close’) from having any
    effect, so Beeper() won’t close the Snd() driver after one beep, and Eyelink
    will be able to emit multiple auditory feedback tones, not just a single one.

  3. Proceed as usual, e.g., Snd(‘Play’, …) or Beeper(…), etc. Snd() will
    use the pahandle audio device for playback, and pahandle can also be used
    by PsychPortAudio calls directly for precisely controlled sound.

  4. At the end of a session, you could forcefully detach Snd() from the pahandle
    via a call to Snd(‘Close’, 1).

Supported subfunctions

Snd(‘Play’, signal [, rate][, sampleSize]) plays a sound.

rate = Snd(‘DefaultRate’) returns the default sampling rate in Hz, which
currently is 44100 Hz on all platforms for the old style sound
implementation, and the default device sampling rate if PsychPortAudio is
used. This default may change in the future, so please either specify a
rate, or use this function to get the default rate.

The optional ‘sampleSize’ argument used with Snd(‘Play’) is only retained for
backwards compatibility and has no meaning, unless you opt in to use the
audioplayer() implementation. Otherwise it is checked for correctness, but
other than that it is ignored. Allowable values are either 8 or 16.

oldverbosity = Snd(‘Verbosity’ [, verbosity]);

  • Query current level of verbosity, optionally set a new ‘verbosity’ level.

Snd(‘Open’) opens the channel, which stays open until you call Snd(‘Close’).
Snd(‘Play’,…) automatically opens the channel if it isn’t already open.
You can use Snd(‘Open’, pahandle); to share an existing PsychPortAudio device
handle ‘pahandle’ with Snd() for optimal interoperation.
A Snd(‘Close’) of such a shared ‘pahandle’ would not close the handle, but it
would close Snd()’s further use of it. If you call Snd(‘Open’, pahandle, 1);
then a Snd(‘Close’) will not have any effect, ie. the pahandle not only stays
open, but also continues to be shared and open for use by Snd().

Snd(‘Close’) immediately stops all sound and closes the channel, unless you
specified a shared pahandle with PsychPortAudio via Snd(‘Open’, pahandle, 1);
earlier. Calling Snd(‘Close’, 1) will always really close the channel.

Snd(‘Wait’) waits until the sound is done playing.

isPlaying = Snd(‘IsPlaying’) returns true if any sound is playing, and
false (0) otherwise.

Snd(‘Quiet’) stops the sound currently playing, but leaves the channel open.

“signal” must be a numeric array of samples.

Your “signal” data should lie between -1 and 1 (smaller to play more
softly). If the “signal” array has one row then it’s played monaurally,
through both speakers. If it has two rows then it’s played in stereo.

“rate” is the rate (in Hz) at which the samples in “signal” should be
played. We suggest you always specify the “rate” parameter. If not
specified, the sample “rate”, on all platforms, defaults to the most
common hardware sample rate of 44100 Hz. That value is returned by
Snd(‘DefaultRate’). Other values can be specified.

“samplesize”. Snd accepts the sampleSize argument and passes it to the
audioplayer() command. audioplayer (and therefore also Snd) may obey
the specified sampleSize value, either 8 or 16, only if it is supported by
your computer hardware.

Snd(‘Play’,sin(0:10000)); % play 22 KHz/(2*pi)=3.5 kHz tone
Snd(‘Play’,[sin(1:20000) zeros(1,10000);zeros(1,10000) sin(1:20000)]); % stereo
Snd(‘Wait’); % wait until end of all sounds currently in channel
Snd(‘Quiet’); % stop the sound and flush the queue

For most of the commands, the returned value is zero when successful, and
a nonzero error number when Snd fails.

NOTE: We suggest you always specify the “rate” parameter. If not
specified, the sample rate, on all platforms, defaults to the most
common hardware sample rate of 44100 Hz. That value is returned
by Snd(‘DefaultRate’).

See also PsychPortAudio, Beeper, audioplayer, PLAY, MakeBeep, READSND, and WRITESND.

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