USAGE: result=EyelinkDoTrackerSetup(el [, sendkey])
el: Eyelink default values
sendkey: set to go directly into a particular mode
sendkey is optional and ignored if el.callback is defined for
callback based tracker setup.
'v', start validation
'c', start calibration
'd', start driftcorrection
13, or el.ENTER\_KEY, show 'eye' setup image
Note that EyelinkDoTrackerSetup() internally may use Snd() to play
auditory feedback tones if el.targetbeep=1 or el.feedbackbeep=1 and the
el.callback function is set to the default PsychEyelinkDispatchCallback().
If you want to use PsychPortAudio in a script that also calls EyelinkDoTrackerSetup,
then read “help Snd” for instructions on how to provide proper interoperation
between PsychPortAudio and the feedback sounds created by Eyelink. The demos
referenced under “help SR-ResearchDemos” show an even better approach than the
one described in “help Snd”.