

HDRViewer([imfilepattern][, highprecision=0][, windowed=0][, scalefactor=autoselect][, gpudebug=0])
Load and show high dynamic range images on a compatible HDR display setup.

See “help PsychHDR” for system requirements and setup instructions for HDR
display. See “help HDRRead” for supported HDR image file formats, ie. the
formats that HDRRead() can load, and possible caveats.

The viewer allows to cycle through a sequence of images in the given
folder, matching the given filename pattern. It allows to adjust the
intensity online, as well as to zoom into regions of the image. A simple
“color picker” displays the RGB color values in units of nits under the
cursor position.

Input arguments, all optional:

‘imfilepattern’ - Filename search pattern of the HDR images to load,
e.g., ‘myimages*.hdr’ would load all images in the current folder that
are starting with ‘myimages’ and ending with extension ‘.hdr’.

If ‘imfilepattern’ is omitted or empty then image files bundled with
Psychtoolbox and Matlab are loaded. Additionally the viewer will offer to
download some freely useable sample files from the MPI for Informatics in
Saarbruecken, Germany. Another bunch of OpenEXR sample images can be found
on the OpenEXR website under:


‘highprecision’ If set to 1, request floating point 16 fp16 display
output, instead of the default 10 bpc fixed point output of HDR-10.
If set to 2, will request a 16 bpc fixed point framebuffer, which allows for up
to 16 bpc linear precision, but in reality on early 2021 hardware at most 12 bpc.
On most operating-systems + driver + gpu combos this 16 bpc mode will fail.

‘windowed’ If set to 1 and running on MS-Windows, create a non-fullscreen
window to test windowed HDR mode. This is not yet supported on Linux, and
sometimes buggy and/or underwhelming on Windows-10, so may not work at
all or not correctly due to Windows-10 or gpu display driver limitations.

‘scalefactor’ If set, use this factor to scale color intensity values of
images during drawing into the framebuffer. Otherwise use a heuristic
which sometimes gives not so great results.

‘gpudebug’ If set to 1 will collect additional low-level info useful for
debugging of Vulkan driver bugs, and print it to the console window. This
will have performance impact!


The viewers formula for converting pixel color values from the units in the
image file to the required linear unit in Nits are as good as they get atm.

There seems to be not much agreement about what the units in the image
files are supposed to reflect. In case of Radiance files (.hdr) we
multiply by some fixed number 179, motivated by some comments in the
Radiance file format spec, when we should actually convert from units of
Radiance to units of Luminance, but that’s the best one can do in the
general case. Similar, we use encoded color gamut if available, but
mostly that seems not to be the case, so we apply some hard-coded “BT-709
alike” gamut as recommended by the spec.

For the OpenEXR format and others, we use the sampleToNits and ColorGamut
information if provided by the image file. This should give correct
results, but at least as my image sample sets and the wisdom of the
internet go, many (most?) freely available images actually lack
definition of color gamut and conversion factor, so we simply have to
assume BT-709 gamut and a unit conversion factor. This seems to be the
case for some, but not all, sample images.

In the end you are responsible for encoding the proper gamut and unit
conversion meta info into the image files you are about to use for
serious research, no way around that.

Control keys:

You can cycle through all images by pressing the space-bar. You can
change image intensity scaling by pressing the cursor up- and down-keys.
You can exit the viewer by pressing ESCape. By pressing the ‘q’ key, you
can toggle between float precision HDR and 256 level 8 bit quantized
images (not that useful).

Zoom mode:

Pressing the left mouse button will enable zoom mode. Dragging the mouse
while the button is depressed allows to change the region which should be
zoomed. Releasing the mouse button will show the selected region zoomed
up to fullscreen. A single mouse click will reset to the full image.

This is an extension of SimpleHDRDemo.m, see that file for more basic
usage of HDR displays with Psychtoolbox.

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