

VRInputStuffTest([withHapticFeedback=0][, withMTStressTest=0][, specialReqs=’DebugDisplay’][, refSpace][, withGazeTracking=0][, withHandTracking=0])

Test input functionality related to VR devices.

Tries to enumerate available controllers and other properties related to
input. After any key press or controller button press, reports live state
of buttons, sensors, triggers etc. of connected controllers.

If the optional parameter ‘withHapticFeedback’ is set to 1, then also
exercises the haptic feedback functionality of any of the left and right
hand controllers, if the A/B or X/Y buttons are pressed for low/high
frequency rumble on right or left controller. Haptic feedback is not
exercised by default, as it empties the controllers batteries relatively

The optional parameter ‘withMTStressTest’ if set to 1 will test
single-threading to multi-threading switching on the fly. Multi-threaded
mode is less efficient, more prone to skipped deadlines or lower
animation rates, but stabilizes visuals in ‘Stop’ed 3D mode, and is
needed on most OpenXR runtimes to get even a semblance of correct frame
presentation timing and timestamping.

The optional parameter ‘specialReqs’ allows to pass in extra
basicRequirments into the driver. Meaningful keywords could be:

ForceSize=1230x4560 = Enforce a per-eye image size of 1230x4560 pixels.
Use2DViewsWhen3DStopped = Use different display mode for stopped 3D rendering.
2DViewDistMeters=2.1 = Enforce 2D views to be 2.1 meters away from the
viewer, instead of the default of 1 meter. Allows scaling of 2D image
DontCareAboutVisualGlitchesWhenStopped = Don’t care about glitches when stopped.
ForbidMultiThreading = Do not use multi-threaded presentation ever.
DebugDisplay = Also show rendered stimuli on the experimenters monitor.
This is the default.

The optional parameter ‘refSpace’, if provided and non-zero, allows to
select a specific OpenXR reference space under OpenXR. It is ignored
under other drivers. The most interesting values are 1 for head locked, 2
for a local reference space, and 3 for a stage reference space. 3 often
enables additional goodies, but support for it is not mandatory for an
OpenXR runtime, so selecting 3 could fail. However, so far 4 out of 4
tested OpenXR runtimes on Linux and Windows did support the stage
reference space, which provided a more natural coordinate system and also
visualization of the “play area”. The driver default is 2 for local, as
that is always supported.

The optional parameter ‘withGazeTracking’, if provided and non-zero, will
enable some basic tests of eye gaze tracking with VR HMD’s which support
eye tracking. A setting of 1 will visualize the 2D gaze position, a setting of
2 will visualize a 3D gaze ray in addition.

The optional parameter ‘withHandTracking’, if provided and non-zero, will
enable some basic tests of hand tracking with VR hardware that supports hand
tracking. A setting of 1 will visualize the measured hand joint locations.

After a keypress (or Enter/Back button press on the controller),
visualizes tracked hand position and orientation of hand controllers and
allows to do some nice visual effects based on trigger / grip button
presses, thumbsticks movement etc.

Tested with XBox controller, Oculus remote, and the two Oculus touch
controllers of the Oculus Rift CV-1 on Windows-10 and Linux, with the
OculusVR v1 runtime on Windows, and with various OpenXR runtimes like
Monado, OculusVR, SteamVR. Additionally tested with the Vive Wand
controllers and builtin binocular eye gaze tracker of a HTC Vive Pro Eye.

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