EyeLink systems allow for rich integration between a Display PC (the computer running Psychtoolbox) and the EyeLink Host PC via an ethernet connection using
the EyeLink application programming interface (API). The API can be installed by downloading the EyeLink Developers Kit from our Support site:
<a href=””>EyeLink Developers Kit / API Downloads (Windows, macOS, Linux)</a>
You will also need to configure your Display PC network settings. See this link for more details:
<a href=””>How to configure a Display PC</a>
Psychtoolbox interfaces with the EyeLink API via the ‘Eyelink Toolbox’ which can be found in the Psychtoolbox root folder > PsychHardware.
You can add EyeLink integration code to your own Psychtoolbox script to interact with the Host PC so your experiment can:
- initialize an EyeLink connection
- open an EyeLink data file (edf) on the Host PC and name it
- set some EyeLink-specific parameters /change various default options
- put Host PC in ‘Camera Setup’ mode and allow for:
- transfer of eye image to Display PC for ease of participant setup
- presentation of targets on Display PC monitor for participant calibration / validation
- transfer text, image and/or other graphics to the Host PC at the beginning of each trial for experimenter feedback
- do a drift-check / correction
- start recording eye movement data at the beginning of each trial (or block)
- during a trial write messages in the edf file to mark time of events
- write messages in the edf file for rich integration with Data Viewer
- stop recording at the end of each trial (or block)
- towards the end of a session close the edf and transfer a copy to the Display PC
- close the EyeLink connection
EyeLink integration also allows for online access of eye movement data for gaze-contingent experiments.
In a typical task eye movements are recorded onto the EyeLink Host PC on a trial-by-trial basis: recording starts at the beginning of a trial
and ends at the end of a trial. This allows for an optional drift-check/correction and for transferring of images to the Host PC between trials.
However this trial-based recording might not be suitable for paradigms that require a fixed ITI. In such cases it is possible to record
continuously throughout a block or session.
The following is a list of Psychtoolbox demos with EyeLink integration that are included with the EyeLink Toolbox:
SimplePicture - Eyelink_SimplePicture.m
A simple [EyeLink](EyeLink) integration demo that records eye movements while an image is presented on the screen. Each trial ends when the
space bar or a button is pressed.
Illustrates how to:
- use a non-default IP address for the Host PC
- replace the default calibration/validation/drift correct bull's eye target with an image (target recommended by Thaler et al., 2013)
- set calibration target and feedback beep sounds on / off
- change edf file name when a copy is transferred to the Display PC
GazeContingent - Accessing sample and event gaze data online in real-time over the Ethernet link
Basic EyeLink integration involves saving eye movement data onto the EyeLink Host PC and transferring a copy of the EyeLink data file to the Display PC
at the end of the session.
EyeLink eye movement data consists of SAMPLES (eye position recorded at every sample - based on tracker sampling rate)
and EVENTS (saccades, fixations, blinks detected by the EyeLink online parser)
However it is also possible to have Psychtoolbox access eye movement data online for gaze-contingent tasks while still saving data onto the Host PC
There are two ways of accessing eye data online:
(1) Accessing buffered data by looping through the function pair Eyelink(‘GetNextDataType’) / Eyelink(‘GetFloatData’) to access buffered EVENTS and SAMPLES
Use buffered data if you need to:
a) grab every single consecutive SAMPLE online without missing any
b) grab EVENT data (fixation/saccade/blink events) online
Note that buffered event data can take some time to be available online due to the time involved
in calculating velocity/acceleration. If you need to retrieve online gaze
position as fast as possible and/or you don’t need to get all available SAMPLES or other
EVENTS, then use option (2)
When using buffered data it is advisable to initially loop through the function pair for ~100ms to clear
old data from the buffer before using it, thus allowing access to the most recent EVENTS or SAMPLES
Demos using buffered data:
BufferedEndSacEvents - Eyelink_BufferedEndSacEvents.m
A simple EyeLink gaze-contingent demo showing how to retrieve online EVENTS from a buffer.
In each trial an image is presented with a red gaze-contingent dot overlaid on top.
The dot’s location is updated online based on the end x y coordinates of each saccade detected.
Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed
BufferedFixUpdateEvents - Eyelink_BufferedFixUpdateEvents.m
A simple EyeLink gaze-contingent demo showing how to retrieve online events from a buffer.
In each trial an image is presented with a red gaze-contingent dot overlaid on top.
The dot’s location is based on the average x y coordinates of fixations updated online every 50ms via a FIXUPDATE event.
See EyeLink Programmers Guide manual > Experiment Templates Overview > Control > Fixation Update Events
Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed.
FIXUPDATE events send updates about a current fixation at regular intervals. By default an interval of 50ms is used.
The first update is sent one update interval after the start of the fixation, and the last is sent at
the end of the fixation. This demo uses FIXUPDATE events to get the averaged gaze x y position across each fixation interval.
FixWindowBufferedSamples - Eyelink_FixWindowBufferedSamples.m
EyeLink gaze-contingent demo that shows how to retrieve online gaze SAMPLES from a buffer.
In each trial central crosshairs are shown until gaze is detected continuously within a central
square window for 500ms or until the space bar is pressed. An image is
then presented until the space bar is pressed to end the trial.
(2) Fast access of SAMPLES by looping through the function pair Eyelink(‘NewFloatSampleAvailable’) / Eyelink(‘NewestFloatSample’) to access the most
recent SAMPLES online.
Use this option if you need to retrieve online eye position (e.g. GAZE data) as fast as possible.
This option may not necessarily retrieve every single consecutive SAMPLE (this depends on how fast your loop is executed by the Display PC)
and this option does not allow for EVENT checking.
Demos using fast samples (option 2 above):
GCfastSamples - Eyelink_GCfastSamples.m
A simple EyeLink gaze-contingent demo showing how to retrieve fast online SAMPLES.
In each trial an image is presented with a red gaze-contingent dot overlaid on top.
The dot’s location is updated online based on the x y coordinates of the latest gaze SAMPLE retrieved online.
Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed.
FixWindowFastSamples - Eyelink_FixWindowFastSamples.m
EyeLink gaze-contingent demo showing how to retrieve fast gaze samples online.
In each trial central crosshairs are shown until gaze is detected continuously within a central
square window for 500ms or until the space bar is pressed. An image is
then presented until the space bar is pressed to end the trial.
SimpleVideo - Eyelink_SimpleVideo.m
Simple video demo with [EyeLink](EyeLink) integration and animated calibration / drift-check/correction targets.
In each trial eye movements are recorded while a video stimulus is presented on the screen.
Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed or video stops playing. A different drift-check/correction
animated target is used in each of the 3 trials.
Illustrates how to send messages to allow for a video file to be played back in Data Viewer's 'Trial Play Back Animation' view.
Shows how to use animated targets:
- replacing the default calibration/validation/drift-check (or drift-correction) targets with a video file
- updating the drift-check/correction video file on a trial-by-trial basis
StereoPicture - Eyelink_StereoPicture.m
[EyeLink](EyeLink) integration demo for stereo presentation.
Records eye movements passively while presenting a stereo stimulus. Supports both split-screen mode
and dual-monitor setup.
Each trial ends when the space bar is pressed.
Data Viewer integration with both left and right eyes superimposed on the same eye window view.
Illustrates how to calibrate on both sides of a split-screen or both monitors in dual monitor setup.
MRI_BlockRecord - Eyelink_MRI_BlockRecord.m
Simple MRI demo with [EyeLink](EyeLink) integration.
6 trials are presented in 2 blocks of 3 trials. Trial duration is 5.5s during which a 4s stimulus is presented.
A block starts with a drift-check followed by presentation of central crosshairs. Eye movements are recorded while
waiting for an MRI trigger (keyboard key 't' in this demo). The stimulus is presented when the trigger is received.
A fixed ITI is maintained by presenting crosshairs between each 4s stimulus. Eye movements are recorded throughout
an entire block rather than on a trial-by-trial basis.
Illustrates how to:
- shrink the spread of the calibration/validation targets so they are all visible if the MRI bore blocks part of the screen
- apply an optional online drift correction (see [EyeLink](EyeLink) 1000 Plus User Manual section 3.11.2)
PursuitTarget - Eyelink_PursuitTarget.m
A smooth pursuit [EyeLink](EyeLink) integration demo that records eye movements
while a target moves sinusoidally across the screen. Each trial ends after 5s.
Illustrates how to:
- change the drift-check/correction target location before each trial
- create a moving target for Data Viewer's Play Back Animation view
- create dynamic target location for Data Viewer's Temporal Graph view and sample reports
- create target dynamic interest areas for Data Viewer
Thaler L, Schutz AC, Goodale MA, Gegenfurtner KR. What is the best fixation target? The effect of target shape on stability of fixational eye movements. Vision Res. 2013; 76: 31–42.