

ls = LMSToMacBoyn(LMS,[T_cones,T_lum])

Compute MacLeod-Boynton chromaticity from cone exciation coordinates.
This is L/Lum and S/Lum, with appropriate normalization as described
below. Recommended usage yields MB chromacities according to CIE 170-2:2015.

** Recommended Usage: Compute LMS with respect to some specified T_cones,
and pass both T_cones as well as the cooresponding T_lum (the photopic
luminosity function.) T_lum should be a linear combination of the L and M
cone fundamentals.

This routine will then scale passed L and M values so that they sum to
the best linear approximation of luminance and then normalize the L
excitation by luminance (as computed by the linear combination) to obtain
the l chromaticity. It will normalize the S excitaiton by luminance to
obtain s chromaticity, with an overall scaling so that the maximum value
of this chromaticity is 1 taken over the visible spectrum.

Note that the s cone scaling can vary a bit depending on the wavelength
sampling of the passed T_cones and T_lum, since the max is taken over
these. If you use the T_cones_ss2/T_cones_ss10 and T_CIE_Y2/T_CIE_Y10
files provided in PTB, the default sampling is at 1 nm and this is fine.
If you use subsampled wavelength spacing, the computation of the s cone
scaling will begin to deviate from the standard. But so will your
computation of LMS values, so this isn’t really an issue specific to this

When you use the CIE cone fundamentals and corresponding luminance
functions, this procedure yields the MacLeod-Boynton chromaticity
diagrams as specified in CIE 170-2:2015.

** Legacy Usage: Just pass LMS values. In this case, we assume that the
passed LMS values were computed with respect to the Smith-Pokorny
fundamentals normalized to a peak of 1 and Judd-Vos luminance (more or
less). That is, this usage assumes LMS was computed using the
fundamentals stored in PTB’s T_cones_sp. This is old usage and preserved
for backwards compatibility, but the three argument usage as described
above is preferred for clarity. Moreover, in this case, the s
chromaticity is not further normalized. This leads to S chromaticities
considerably larger than those obtained with the new usage.

** A Backwards Incompatibility. The scaling for s chromaticity to match
CIE 170-2:2015 was introduced in Janurary 2019 and is not backwards
compatible with previous behavior when T_cones and T_lum are passed.
Preserving such compatibility did not seem important enough relative to
the gains of having this work as now specified in the CIE standard.

10/30/97 dhb Wrote it.
7/9/02 dhb T_cones_sp -> T_cones on line 20. Thanks to Eiji Kimura.
1/23/19 dhb Scale s chromaticity value to be consistent with CIE
170-2:2015, when T_cones and T_lum are passed. This is
not backwards compatible with previous scaling, but it
seems good to match the standard. Thanks to Danny Garside
for pointing out the scaling specified in the 2015

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