

HoritaTitler(command [, arg1, arg2, …])

This function establishes a serial port connection to the HORITA SCT-50 video
titler and compatible devices, and performs a number of commands. Commands are
based on the HORITA SCT-50 video titler user manual (https://horita.com/).


HoritaTitler(‘Open’ [, ‘serialPort’][, ‘HORITAaddress’])


  Initializes and opens the serial port which establishes communication to the HORITA.  
  If serialPort/[HORITAaddress](HORITAaddress) is ommitted or left empty, the defaultPort is 'COM4' on  
  MS-Windows, '/dev/tty.KeySerial1' on Apple macOS, and '/dev/ttyS0' on GNU/Linux.  
  The Psychtoolbox function [FindSerialPort](FindSerialPort)() can be helpful to automatically find a  
  connected serial port device.  
  The default [HORITAaddress](HORITAaddress) is '02'.  


  Closes the serial connection with HORITA.  

HoritaTitler(‘SetAddress’, ‘HORITAaddress’)

  Set the 'HORITAaddress' for the target HORITA titler device. Followup commands will  
  be sent to the new address. This allows to select between multiple daisy-chained  
  HORITA titler devices. Valid [HORITAADDRESSes](HORITAADDRESSes) are between '00' and '99', with a default  
  address of '02'. The special address '00' broadcasts to / selects all connected HORITA  
  devices, so they all execute the same command simultaneously.  

HoritaTitler(‘Write’ [, ‘text’, row, column])

  Writes text at a specified position on the screen. Positions are numbered from 001 (top  
  left) to 180 (bottom right), and there are a total number of 9 rows and 20 columns  
  available. Text is automatically converted to uppercase. If row/colum are omitted or left  
  empty, the default is to write on row/column 1. If text is omitted, a blank space is  
  inserted at the specified position. If the text does not fit on one row, then it is  

HoritaTitler(‘Write’ [, number, row, column])

  Writes numbers at a specified position on the screen. Numbers are converted from double  
  class to string class using mat2str(number). If row/column are omitted or left empty, the  
  default is to write on row/column 1. If number is omitted, a blank space is inserted at the  
  specified porition.  

HoritaTitler(‘WriteCont’ [, ‘text’])

  Writes text at the current position of the cursor. If no text is provided, a blank space is  
  inserted at the current position.  

HoritaTitler(‘WriteCont’ [, number])

  Writes numbers at the current position of the cursor. Numbers are converted from double  
  class to string class using mat2str(number). If no number is provided, a blank space is  
  inserted at the current position.  


  Clears the display (requires 100 ms).  

HoritaTitler(‘ClearLine’[, row])

  Clears the given row on the display. If the row number is omitted, clears the first line.  
  HORITA display has 9 rows, therefore row <= 9.  


  Resets the HORITA titler (requires 300 ms). All variable data in the HORITA SCT-50 are set  
  to default values.  


  Turns the time display on.  


  Turns the time display off.  

HoritaTitler(‘TimeSet’ [, ‘hour’, ‘minute’, ‘second’])

  Sets the time. Hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long. If hour/minute/second are  
  omitted or empty, the time is set based on the Matlab clock function.  

HoritaTitler(‘TimePosit’ [, row, column, ‘hour’, ‘minute’, ‘second’])


  Sets the time and places it at the specified position. Time display has to be set on prior  
  to the positioning. If row/column are omitted or left empty, the time is placed on row/column 1.  
  Hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long. If hour/minute/second are omitted or empty, the  
  time is set based on the Matlab clock function.  

HoritaTitler(‘TimeFormat’ [, ‘format’])

  Sets the time display format. There are 36 time display formats. The default time format is  
  'hh:mm:ss AM' (i.e. format '05'). Format '02' will display hh:mm:ss. Format '03' will  
  display hh:mm:ss.ms.  


  Turns the date display on.  


  Turns the date display off.  

HoritaTitler(‘DateSet’ [, ‘day’, ‘month’, ‘year’])

  Sets the date. Month/day/year have to be 2 digits long. If month/day/year are omitted or  
  empty, the time is set based on the Matlab clock function.  

HoritaTitler(‘DatePosit’ [, row, column, ‘day’, ‘month’, ‘year’])


  Sets the date and places it at the specified position. Date display has to be set on prior  
  to the positioning. If row/column are omitted or left empty, the date is placed on  
  row/column 1. Month/day/year have to be 2 digits long. If month/day/year are omitted or  
  empty, the date is set based on the Matlab clock function.  

HoritaTitler(‘DateFormat’ [, ‘format’])

  Sets the date display format. There are 60 display formats. The default date format is  
  'dd/mo/yy' (i.e. format '10', 23/06/17). Format '11' will display 23/JUN/17. Format '59'  
  will display 23JUN17.  


  Sets on the text background.  


  Sets off the text background.  


  Sets the text to white.  


  Sets the text to black.  


  [Close](Close) all serial ports. Good to do this right at the beginning, before  
  initializing HORITA, in case a previous serial connection is still open.  

Created by Natasa Ganea, 2017, Goldsmiths Infantlab (email: natasa.ganea@gmail.com)
Licensed to you under the MIT open-source license.

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