FORPCheck Checks if a button of a FORP device (HH-5-CYL) is pressed.
[KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPCheck()
Return the key name (KeyPressed) of the pressed button and the
time (EventTime) of the status check.
KeyPressed Key name of the Pressed Button, empty string
if none pressed.
EventTime Time of keypress check, as returned by GetSecs.
See FORPWait.
Going through each device can be very time consuming. If would advise
to unplug each unnecessary device, so less devices has to be checked.
If you have got any advice for a better way to solve those problems, feel
free to let me know:
Florian Stendel
Visual Processing Lab
Universitaets - Augenklinik Magdeburg
Leipziger Strasse 44
39120 Magdeburg
Tel: 0049 (0)391 67 21723
10/10/06 fs Wrote it.
10/16/06 mk Add caching of device index.
10/17/06 fs Done some restructuring and testing.
02/08/07 mk New vendor id 6171 added to valid device lists.