BasicSoundPhaseShiftDemo([showit=1][, targetChannel=1])
Demonstrates how one can play back a phase-shifted sine tone, with dynamically
adjustable phase shift, free of audible artifacts during phase shift change.
This uses PsychPortAudio’s realtime mixing and some trigonometric math to
synthesize a cosine wave of selectable phase in realtime from the weighted sum
of a pair of a cosine + sine wave with different relative amplitudes.
The sine wave is put into one sound channel. A cosine wave of same frequency
(but 90 degrees phase-shifted) is put in another sound channel. Both sound
channels are mixed together in realtime by PsychPortAudio, with controllable
relative volume (== amplitude == mix-weight) for each of the two channels, and
the result of this two-channel weighted mix is output to the 2nd audio output
channel of the actual soundcard, creating a synthesized phase-shifted cosine
wave of same frequency. Changing the relative channel volumes changes the phase
shift of the cosine output wave in realtime, without artifacts / discontinuities.
The proper relative volume levels are computed from the desired phase shift and
set in the internal subfunction updatePhase() by the magic of math.
A second reference sine wave is output to the 1st audio channel of the soundcard,
if ‘targetChannel’ == 1, so one can drive two speakers / transducers, one outputting
a phase-shifted sine wave, relative to th other speaker / transducer. For testing
purposes, one can set ‘targetChannel’ == 2 to mix the reference sine-wave with the
phase-shifted cosine wave both into output speaker channel 2, to simulate potential
constructive / destructive interference between reference and phase-shifted sine
wave. Setting ‘showit’ == 1 will capture the audio signal send to both soundcard
channel and visualize it in a Psychtoolbox onscreen window, for illustrative purposes
and for basic debugging. If you want to run a real auditory experiments, you’d use
‘targetChannel’ == 1 and some external microphones and oscillograph to check for
proper audio output independently of PsychPortAudio, Psychtoolbox and your computer.
One use case for this are studies as described under this link…
…more specifically experiments like this one about air conduction and bone conduction
of sound:
Have a look at BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo on how to apply amplitude modulation (AM)
of signals by attaching AM modulator slave devices to the pafixedsine and pashiftsine
slave devices used here. A suitable time series of AM envelope values would allow to
gate the output sine waves.
This demo was sponsored by a paid support request. Thanks!
ESCAPE key ends the demo.
Left and right cursor keys allow to shift phase interactively.
Optional parameters:
‘showit’ If set to 1, visualize actual output signals, channel 1 in red,
channel 2 in green. Defaults to 1 for showing output.
‘targetChannel’ To which channel should the fixed phase reference signal be
output? 1 = channel 1 (default). 2 = channel 2 will output into
the same channel as the phase-shifted signal, so both signals
will show constructive or destructive interference, depending
on phase-shift of the 2nd signal which always goes to channel 2.