

moglFDF(cmd [, arg1][, arg2][, …]) - “MOGL FormlessDotFields

Implementation of Sheinberg et al. inspired random dot structure from motion
rendering. This routine is a fast implementation of “Formless dot field
structure-from-motion stimuli”. It is based on - and very similar in
behaviour, although not identical in implementation - the algorithm
proposed by Jedediah M. Singer and David L. Sheinberg in their
Journal of Vision paper “A method for the real-time rendering of
formless dot field structure-from-motion stimuli” (Journal of Vision, 8,

This algorithm takes the idea of the above mentioned paper and pushes it
one step further by moving nearly all stimulus computation onto the GPU.

All compute intense tasks are carried out by vertex- and fragment-shaders
on the GPU and all heavy data structures are stored within the GPU’s fast
local VRAM memory, reducing the amount of communication between host
system and graphics card to an absolute minimum. The Matlab code on the
CPU only controls the flow of operations on the GPU and generates a
matrix with random numbers to update the sample distribution. This should
provide a significant speedup beyond what the Singer et al. algorithm
achieves, at least for complex and demanding stimuli.

The algorithm makes heavy use of GPU based image processing for maximum
speed, so it needs at least NVidia Geforce 6000 series or ATI Radeon
X1000 series graphics hardware (and any later models or equivalent
hardware) to work. It also needs the PTB imaging pipeline enabled, at
least fast offscreen window support. You do this, e.g., by replacing a
call to …

[win, winRect] = Screen(‘OpenWindow’, screenid, 0);

… with a call sequence like this …

PsychImaging(‘AddTask’, ‘General’, ‘UseFastOffscreenWindows’);
[win , winRect] = PsychImaging(‘OpenWindow’, screenid, 0);

A minimal example of how to use moglFDF to render a “dotfield”
representation of a rotating 3D sphere can be found in the FDFDemo.m

Subcommands, their syntax & meaning:

[oldflag, oldgain] = moglFDF(‘DebugFlag’, flag [, debugGain]);

  • Set debug flag to value ‘flag’. Default is zero. Non-zero values enable
    different visualizations that may aid debugging non-working setups.
    1 = Show silhouette buffer, 2 = Show trackbuffer, 3 = Show random noise
    sampling texture, 4 = Show sampleBuffer, 5 = Show FGDots buffer. A
    setting of -1 shows the real rendered image, instead of the random dot
    visualization. A value of -2 disables any kind of textual warnings.

The optional ‘debugGain’ parameter must be a 4 component [R G B A] color
vector with modulation gains for the drawn “debug images” - simply to
scale each color channel in intensity to allow for display of values
outside the standard displayable range between zero and one.

context = moglFDF(‘CreateContext’, window, rect, texCoordMin, texCoordMax, texResolution, maxFGDots, maxBGDots, dotLifetime [,zThreshold=Off] [,BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability=0.0]);

  • Create a “rendercontext” for a single 3D object. Returns a ‘context’
    handle to it which needs to be passed in to all other functions as
    reference. All following parameters are required and don’t have any

‘window’ Handle of masterwindow - The onscreen window used for rendering.
This is not neccessarily the window to which final stimulus will be drawn
to, but it is needed as a “parent” for all ressources.

‘rect’ A Psychtoolbox rectangle [left top right bottom] that describes
the size and shape of the final stimulus window. This rect must have the
same size as the 3D window and final stimulus window – Lots of internal
calculations depend on this geometry spec.

‘texCoordMin’ Two element vector which contains the minimum texture
coordinate values contained in the 3D scene for x- resp. y-direction.

‘texCoordMax’ Two element vector which contains the maximum texture
coordinate values contained in the 3D scene for x- resp. y-direction.

‘texResolution’ Two element vector which contains the internal resolution
for x- resp. y-direction of the 3D object surface. Higher values mean finer
resolution and less aliasing, but also higher storage requirements and
longer processing times.

‘maxFGDots’ Maximum number of foreground (object shape) dots to use for
random shape sampling. This must be an integral multiple of
‘dotLifetime’. If it isn’t, it will get adjusted to become an integral

‘maxBGDots’ Maximum number of background dots to use for random background
sampling. This must be an integral multiple of ‘dotLifetime’. If it
isn’t, it will get adjusted to become an integral multiple. If you don’t
want to have structure cues in your stimulus, you should set ‘maxBGDots’
equal to ‘maxFGDots’ to keep overall dot density on the display constant.

‘dotLifetime’ Lifetime of each foreground- or background dot in ‘Update’
cycles. Each dot is replace by a new random sample after that many
invocations of the ‘Update’ function.

‘zThreshold’ Optional zThreshold for occlusion test: By default, it is
10.0 ie. occlusion test disabled. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 will enable
occlusion testing – Dots that would correspond to occluded surfaces are
not drawn. Small numbers (close to zero) make the test more sensitive but
can cause artifacts due to internal numeric roundoff errors. Bigger
numbers (closer to one) make it more robust but less powerful. The
“sweet-spot” depends on your hardware and 3D scene. Empirically a setting
of 0.0001 is a good value for ATI Radeon X1000 series hardware.
The default setting (bigger than 1.0) will disable occlusion test –
“Hidden dots” are not hidden, but drawn.

‘BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability’ Optional BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability
This is the probability with which a dot from the “background distribution”
will be drawn if it is actually located in the area of the objects
silhouette. A value of 0.0 (which is the default) will not draw any
background dots within the objects silhouette. Values between 0 and 1
correspond to acceptance probabilities between 0% and 100%. If you want
to keep the overall dot density of foreground dots and background dots
constant (in order to not provide segmentation cues based on structure),
you should set the ‘maxFGDots’ parameter like this:

maxFGDots = (1 - BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability)) * maxBGDots;

context = moglFDF(‘SetRenderCallback’, context, callbackEvalString);

  • Define the ‘eval’ string for this context to be used as rendercallback.
    Pass in a Matlab command string (for evaluation via eval() function in the
    Workspace of the calling function). This string is called/executed during
    each ‘Update’ cycle. It has to contain the code that performs the actual
    rendering of the 3D scene or object.

The called rendering code *must not* glClear() the framebuffer or mess
around with alpha-blending state or depth-buffer/depth-test settings, nor
should it bind any shaders! It makes sense to disable any kind of
lighting or texture mapping, as no photorealistic image is rendered, so
it would be a waste of computation time.

context = moglFDF(‘ReinitContext’, context, rect, texCoordMin, texCoordMax, texResolution, maxFGDots, maxBGDots, dotLifetime [,zThreshold=Off] [,BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability=0.0]);

  • Reinitialize an already existing context with new stimulus parameters.
    The parameters are identical to the ones in ‘CreateContext’, except for
    the first one: You don’t pass a windowhandle of a parent window, as this
    stays the same for the reinitialized context. Instead you pass the handle
    of the ‘context’ to reinitialize.

‘ReinitContext’ is the same as a sequence of ‘DestroyContext’, followed
by a new ‘CreateContext’, except that it is optimized for speed –
Reinitialization with new parameters is typically at least 3 times faster
than a full destroy & recreate operation.

context = moglFDF(‘DestroyContext’, context);

  • Destroy a processing context, release all of its ressources.

context = moglFDF(‘ResetState’, context);

  • Reset processing contexts state to initial state, just as if it was
    just created. Useful at start of a new trial. Another way to start a new
    trial, but with a full distribution already initialized, is to use the
    moglFDF(‘Update’) call with the ‘instantOn’ flag set to 1 for the first
    iteration of your stimulus loop, instead of the default of zero.

context = moglFDF(‘SetColorTexture’, context, textureId, textureTarget);

  • Assign a regular color texture map with handle ‘textureId’ and texture
    mapping target ‘textureTarget’ to ‘context’. This will enable assignment
    of colors to drawn 2D dots (in moglFDF(‘Render’,…);) and fetch the
    relevant per-dot colors from the assigned texture map ‘textureId’.

Assigning an empty or negative textureId will disable texture mapping.
Texture mapping is disabled by default, i.e. at context creation time.

context = moglFDF(‘SetDrawShader’, context, fgShaderId [, bgShaderId] [, needSprites]);

  • Assign a GLSL shader with handle ‘fgShaderId’ during 2D drawing of
    foreground dots in moglFDF(‘Render’,…); Passing a ‘fgShaderId’ which is
    empty or negative disables shading. Shading is disabled by default.

The optional ‘bgShaderId’ assigns potential shaders for drawing of
background dots.

The optional flag ‘needSprites’ if set to 1, will enable generation of
point-sprite texture coordinates on texture unit 1 while using a shader
with point-smoothing enabled. A setting of 0 disables point sprites.
Point sprites plus special code within your drawing fragment shader are
needed if you want to draw nicely anti-aliased dots on GPUs that don’t
support simultaneous use of fragment shaders and anti-aliased dots. On
such systems you can roll your own anti-aliasing via point-sprites.
Please note that almost all consumer class GPU’s don’t support
anti-aliased dots in conjunction with fragment shaders.

context = moglFDF(‘Update’, context [, instantOn=0]);

  • Perform an ‘update’ cycle for given context. A new “3D frame” is rendered
    via the rendercallback function, then analysed, resampled etc. to create
    a new complete distribution of 2D random dots, ready for drawing or
    readback. If the optional ‘instantOn’ flag is provided and non-zero, then
    the whole distribution is generated at once for a quick start at the
    beginning of a new trial, otherwise only one batch of samples is updated.
    By default, only one batch is updated, as required for the algorithm to

context = moglFDF(‘Render’, context [, targetWindow] [, drawSpec=[1,1]]);

  • Render current 2D random dot cloud (as defined by processing of last
    ‘Update’ call) quickly and efficiently into window ‘targetWindow’.
    ‘targetWindow’ can be any onscreen- or offscreen window and is allowed to
    change at each invocation of ‘Render’. By default, the ‘window’ from the
    ‘CreateContext’ call is used.

‘drawSpec’ is an optional two-element vector to select if only foreground
dots should be rendered [1 0], only background dots should be rendered [0 1],
or both [1 1] – which is the default.

Before calling ‘Render’ you can define dot sizes, colors, alpha-blending
state, texture coordinates, anti-aliasing settings, or define texture
mapping, point-sprite modes or texture mapping setups however you like.
The internal ‘Render’ routine just defines 2D point locations, then
invokes the render op.

[xyFGdots, xyBGdots, uvFGdots] = moglFDF(‘GetResults’, context); - Returns a 2 row
by n columns vector of all random dot positions, for processing within
Matlab/Octave. Row 1 is x-locations, Row 2 is y-locations of dots, each
column defines one dot. The ‘xyFGDots’ contains all foreground dots which
define the object, whereas the ‘xyBGdots’ vector contains the background
dots. These vectors are suitable for direct drawing via
Screen(‘DrawDots’); However, invocation of moglFDF(‘Render’,…); is a
more efficient method of rendering these dot fields, unless you have very
special needs.

The optional ‘uvFGdots’ argument returns 2D texture coordinates as
assigned to the rendered 3D object.

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