retIrradiance_PerDegrees2 = RetIrradiancePerAreaAndEyeLengthToRetIrradiancePerDegrees2(retIrradiance_PerArea,eyeLength)
Convert retinal irradiance measured in units of Y/x^2 to units of
Y/deg^2, where x is a unit of distance (m, cm, mm, um, etc.) and
Y is a measure of light amount (Watts, Joules, quanta/sec, quanta, etc.)
Eye length should be passed in units of x.
The conversion assumes that we are in the small angle regime, where
degrees are essentially linear with retinal extent.
See also: PsychRadiometric, RetIrradiancePerDegrees2AndEyeLengthToRetIrradiancePerArea.
6/23/13 dhb Wrote it.
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