
[M] = M_PToP(Psource,Pdest,T)
[M,dest] = M_PToP(Psource,Pdest,T,source)

Compute the conversion matrix between two color
spaces with known primaries.
The transformation requires a set of color matching
functions to describe the observer.

M - the conversion matrix
(n_chromacy by n_chromacy)

Psource - source color primary spectral power distributions
(n_wavelengths by n_chromacy)
Pdest - destination primary spectral power distributions
(n_wavelengths by n_chromacy)
T - a set of color matching functions
(n_chromacy by n_wavelengths)


source - source tristimulus vectors
(n_chromacy by n_lights)
dest - destination tristimulus vectors
(n_chromacy by n_lights)

8/2/94 dhb Fixed bug in optional arg handling.

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