

HideCursor([screenidOrWindow=0][, mouseid])

HideCursor hides the mouse cursor associated with ‘screenidOrWindow’.

‘screenidOrWindow’ allows to specify the screen or onscreen window to which
the function should apply.

By default, the cursor on screen zero on Linux/X11, and on all screens on
Windows and Mac OS/X is hidden. Although optional, it is strongly recommended
to provide this parameter for cross-platform compatibility across operating

Note that this function may not have any effect if the cursor location is not
on top of an open onscreen window, as cursor visibility or shape may not be
under Psychtoolbox control while the cursor interacts with other applications
windows. It may also do nothing if you call the function while no onscreen
window is open at all. For this reason, you should place calls to HideCursor
after the calls to Screen(‘OpenWindow’) or PsychImaging(‘OpenWindow’), not
before them.

‘mouseid’ defines which of multiple cursors shall be hidden on Linux/X11. The
parameter is silently ignored on other systems.

See ShowCursor, SetMouse

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