
Psychtoolbox>Eyelink.{mex*} subfunction

[samples, events, drained] = Eyelink(‘GetQueuedData’ [, eye])

dequeues all samples and events from the link.
returns double matrices where columns are items and rows are fields from eyelink
sample structs.
return flag ‘drained’ indicates whether queue was emptied or if this function
needs to be called again.
if you include the eye argument (as LEFT_EYE or RIGHT_EYE as returned by
EyelinkInitDefaults)), samples will include raw fields for that eye.
if you don’t remove items from the queue often enough, the oldest items will be
replaced by a LOSTDATAEVENT, which will appear in the sample records at the
location where items were dropped (fields other than type will be set to

sample rows are as follows:
1: time of sample (when camera imaged eye, in milliseconds since tracker was
2: type (always SAMPLE_TYPE or LOSTDATAEVENT as returned by
3: flags (bits indicating what types of data are present, and for which eye(s)

  • see eye_data.h)
    4: left pupil center x (camera coordinates)
    5: right pupil center x (camera coordinates)
    6: left pupil center y (camera coordinates)
    7: right pupil center y (camera coordinates)
    8: left HEADREF x (angular gaze coordinates)
    9: right HEADREF x (angular gaze coordinates)
    10: left HEADREF y (angular gaze coordinates)
    11: right HEADREF y (angular gaze coordinates)
    12: left pupil size (arbitrary units, area or diameter as selected by
    pupil_size_diameter command)
    13: right pupil size (arbitrary units, area or diameter as selected by
    pupil_size_diameter command)
    14: left gaze position x (in pixel coordinates set by screen_pixel_coords
    15: right gaze position x (in pixel coordinates set by screen_pixel_coords
    16: left gaze position y (in pixel coordinates set by screen_pixel_coords
    17: right gaze position y (in pixel coordinates set by screen_pixel_coords
    18: angular resolution x (at gaze position in screen pixels per visual degree)
    19: angular resolution y (at gaze position in screen pixels per visual degree)
    20: status (error and status flags (only useful for EyeLink II and
    EyeLink1000, report CR status and tracking error). see eye_data.h.)
    21: input (data from input port(s))
    22: button input data: high 8 bits indicate changes from last sample, low 8
    bits indicate current state of buttons 8 (MSB) to 1 (LSB)
    23: head-tracker data type (0=none)
    24: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 1
    25: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 2
    26: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 3
    27: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 4
    28: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 5
    29: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 6
    30: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 7
    31: head-tracker data (not prescaled) 8

if you request the raw sample fields, they will appear in the following
additional rows:
32: raw x sensor position of the pupil
33: raw y sensor position of the pupil
34: raw x sensor position of the corneal reflection
35: raw y sensor position of the corneal reflection
36: raw pupil area
37: raw corneal reflection area
38: raw width of pupil
39: raw height of pupil
40: raw width of corneal reflection
41: raw height of corneal reflection
42: raw x position of tracking window on sensor
43: raw y position of tracking window on sensor
44: (raw pupil x) - (raw corneal reflection x)
45: (raw pupil y) - (raw corneal reflection y)
46: raw area of 2nd corneal reflection candidate
47: raw x sensor position of the 2nd corneal reflection candidate
48: raw y sensor position of the 2nd corneal reflection candidate

About raw fields:
Normal samples do not contain the corneal reflection data, but some
(non-saccade-based) calibration methods require this information.
The Eyelink 1000 can be configured to send this information as part of ‘raw’
samples, and this is required before use of this function.
Sol Simpson at SR-Research emphasizes that this is not officially supported or

  1. You need to install Eyelink.dll from the latest software developer kit at
    https://www.sr-support.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6 (windows) or
    https://www.sr-support.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15 (osx)
    and the latest tracker host software at
  2. Issue the commands:
    Eyelink(‘command’,’link_sample_data =
    Eyelink(‘command’,’inputword_is_window = ON’);
    More info:
    HMARKER (originally for Eyelink2’s infrared head tracking markers) and INPUT
    (originally for the TTL lines) are jury-rigged to hold the extra data.
    You can also set file_sample_data to collect raw samples in the .edf file.
    CAUTION: It may or may not work on your setup with your tracker.

event rows are as follows:
1: effective time of event
2: event type
3: read (bits indicating which data fields contain valid data - see
4: eye
5: start time
6: end time
7: HEADREF gaze position starting point x
8: HEADREF gaze position starting point y
9: display gaze position starting point x (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
10: display gaze position starting point y (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
11: starting pupil size (arbitrary units, area or diameter as selected by
pupil_size_diameter command)
12: HEADREF gaze position ending point x
13: HEADREF gaze position ending point y
14: display gaze position ending point x (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
15: display gaze position ending point y (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
16: ending pupil size (arbitrary units, area or diameter as selected by
pupil_size_diameter command)
17: HEADREF gaze position average x
18: HEADREF gaze position average y
19: display gaze position average x (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
20: display gaze position average y (in pixel coordinates set by
screen_pixel_coords command)
21: average pupil size (arbitrary units, area or diameter as selected by
pupil_size_diameter command)
22: average gaze velocity magnitude (absolute value) in visual degrees per
23: peak gaze velocity magnitude (absolute value) in visual degrees per second
24: starting gaze velocity in visual degrees per second
25: ending gaze velocity in visual degrees per second
26: starting angular resolution x in screen pixels per visual degree
27: ending angular resolution x in screen pixels per visual degree
28: starting angular resolution y in screen pixels per visual degree
29: ending angular resolution y in screen pixels per visual degree
30: status (collected error and status flags from all samples in the event
(only useful for EyeLink II and EyeLink1000, report CR status and tracking
error). see eye_data.h.)

###See also: