
Psychtoolbox>Screen.{mex*} subfunction

[imageArray, format, errorMsg, auxInfo] = Screen(‘ReadHDRImage’, filename [, errorMode=0]);

Read a high dynamic range (HDR) image file from the filesystem and return its

This function allows to read some HDR file formats and return the image data as
a double matrix.
‘filename’ is the name of the image file.
‘errorMode’ is the optional flag to define how failures to read the file should
be handled: 0 = Fail silently: Return empty ‘imageArray’, 1 = Like 0, but print
warning or error message to console, 2 = Like 1, but also abort script with
error message.
In any case, ‘errorMsg’ is either empty on success, ‘unknown-format’ if the file
was not recognized as a supported HDR format, or a loader specific error message
if the file could not be loaded for some reason.
‘imageArray’ is a height-by-width-by-channels double matrix containing the pixel
data in usual Matlab format, e.g., 4 channels RGBA planes. ‘imageArray’ can be
directly passed into Screen(‘MakeTexture’, win, imageArray); to turn it into a
displayable image texture.
‘format’ is a name string that identifies the format of the image file read.
‘auxInfo’ is a struct with additional properties and information about an image
if the image file supports such additional meta information. If an image file
format does not support useful additional information then ‘auxInfo’ will be an
empty [] matrix. The fields of the struct are dependent on the file format and
specific image file, so don’t assume a fixed set of fields and fieldNames for a
returned ‘auxInfo’ struct.

The following HDR file formats are currently supported:
* OpenEXR file format (file suffix “.exr”, ‘format’ = “openexr”), via use of the
included open-source TinyEXR library ( Only
single-part RGB(A) images are supported at the moment, no multi-part images or
deep images. Only color channels are supported, no integer id channels.
The ‘auxInfo’ struct for OpenEXR images contains the following struct fields:
‘ColorGamut’ a 2-by-4 matrix defining the CIE 1931 2D chromaticity coordinates
of the red, green and blue primaries and white-point of the gamut / color-space
in which the image content is represented. ‘GamutFromFile’ is 1 if the
‘ColorGamut’ was actually read from the ‘chromaticities’ OpenEXR optional image
attribute, in which case the ‘chromaticities’ field will contain exactly the
same information. ‘GamutFromFile’ is 0 if the image file does not contain a
‘chromaticities’ attribute, in which case the spec requires to assume the gamut
to be that of BT-709-3, and the ‘ColorGamut’ matrix will contain the gamut info
for BT-709.
‘sampleToNits’ is always present and describes the conversion factor from sample
values to absolute units of nits. The ‘sampToNits’ attribute/field is either
provided by the exr file, or it will default to zero, to mark the info
Additionally, many of the mandatory OpenEXR attributes are part of ‘auxInfo’,
e.g., ‘dataWindow’, ‘displayWindow’, ‘pixelAspectRatio’. Additional optional
custom attributes may be present. The current implementation can handle
attributes of type ‘string’, ‘float’, and ‘chromaticities’. Other attributes
will be listed, but returned as empty [] struct fields.
You can find technical background info about the OpenEXR file format under this

###See also: MakeTexture