
Psychtoolbox>Screen.{mex*} subfunction

Screen(‘ConstrainCursor’, windowIndex, addConstraint [, rect]);

Confine mouse cursor position to a specified area inside onscreen window

If you set ‘addConstraint’ to 1, then a region constraint is added: ‘rect’
specifies the rectangle (in window local coordinates) to which the mouse cursor
should be confined. If you omit ‘rect’, then the cursor is confined to the
region of the window, ie. can’t leave the window. On MS-Windows you can only
define one single rectangular region at all, regardless of the number of
onscreen windows. On Linux/X11 you can define up to a total of (currently) 1024
confinement regions, e.g., for multiple separate windows, or multiple regions
per window.
Additionally on Linux/X11 you can define empty ‘rect’s which define a horizontal
or vertical line. This adds a horizontal or vertical border line which can not
be crossed by the mouse cursor, so you could, e.g., build a complex maze, in
which the cursor has to navigate. Please note that this ability will not be
present on a future version of Psychtoolbox for Linux with the Wayland display
server. While the Wayland implementation will provide the ability to define
multiple regions, its semantic will very likely be different, so if you use this
special Linux/X11 only feature, your code will not only be non-portable to
MS-Windows, but also to future Linux versions which use Wayland instead of the
X11 graphics system!

If you set ‘addConstraint’ to 0 and specify a ‘rect’, then the specified ‘rect’
confinement region for the given onscreen window is removed on Linux/X11. If you
omit ‘rect’ on Linux, then all confinement regions for the given onscreen window
are removed. On MS-Windows the single globally available confinement region is
removed if it was set for the given onscreen window, regardless if you specify
‘rect’ or not, as there is no ambiguity or choice with only one global rect

Closing an onscreen window with active cursor constraints will automatically
remove all associated cursor confinement regions. This is true for proper close
via Screen(‘Close’, windowIndex), Screen(‘Closeall’) or sca, or during a
controlled error abort with proper error handling. On Linux, quitting/killing or
crashing Octave/Matlab will also release pointer confinement. On MS-Windows,
pressing ALT+TAB will release the confinement.

The ‘ConstrainCursor’ function is not currently supported or supportable on
Apple macOS due to macOS operating system limitations. See ‘help SetMouse’
sections referring to the ‘detachFromMouse’ parameter for a hint on how you may
be able to work around this macOS limitation for some applications.

###See also: HideCursorHelper