
Psychtoolbox>PsychPortAudio.{mex*} subfunction

devices = PsychPortAudio(‘GetDevices’ [, devicetype] [, deviceIndex]);

Returns ‘devices’, an array of structs, one struct for each available PortAudio

If the optional parameter ‘deviceIndex’ is provided and the optional parameter
‘devicetype’ is set to [], then only returns a single struct with information
about the device with index ‘deviceIndex’.

Each struct contains information about its associated PortAudio device. The
optional parameter ‘devicetype’ can be used to enumerate only devices of a
specific class:
1=Windows/DirectSound, 2=Windows/MME, 11=Windows/WDMKS, 13=Windows/WASAPI,
8=Linux/ALSA, 7=Linux/OSS, 12=Linux/JACK, 16=Linux/PulseAudio,

On macOS you’ll usually only see devices for the CoreAudio API, a first-class
audio subsystem. On Linux you may have the choice between ALSA, JACK, PulseAudio
and OSS. ALSA or JACK provide very low latencies and very good timing, OSS is an
older system which is less capable and not in widespread in use anymore. On
MS-Windows you’ll have the choice between multiple different audio subsystems:
WASAPI (on Windows-Vista and later), or WDMKS (on Windows-2000/XP) should
provide ok latency.
DirectSound is the next worst choice if you have hardware with DirectSound
If everything else fails, you’ll be left with MME, a completely unusable API for
precise or low latency timing. Current PsychPortAudio only provides reasonably
precise timing with WASAPI.

###See also: Open GetDeviceSettings