
Psychtoolbox>PsychHID.{mex*} subfunction

[event, navail] = PsychHID(‘KbQueueGetEvent’ [, deviceIndex][, maxWaitTimeSecs=0])

Checks a queue for input events generated by a device.
PsychHID(‘KbQueueCreate’) must be called before this routine and
PsychHID(‘KbQueueStart’) must then be called for any events to get recorded into
the event buffer.
The optional ‘deviceIndex’ is the index of the HID input device whose queue
should be queried. If omitted, the queue of the default device will be queried.
‘maxWaitTimeSecs’ is an optional maximum wait time for a new event in seconds.
It defaults to zero, which means to just poll for a pending event. A positive
value will wait until either at least one event arrived or the given amount of
time elapses, whatever comes first.
If there are any events queued, the oldest one is returned in the struct
‘event’, otherwise an empty matrix is returned. The number of queued events
remaining in the queue after fetching is returned in ‘navail’.
The returned ‘event’ struct, if any, currently contains the following fields:

‘Type’ = Event type:
0 = Key/Button press/release on a keyboard, keypad, mouse, joystick, gamepad,
digitizer tablet etc.
1 = mouse pointer, joystick, gamepad, digitizer tablet tool motion or change of
some other property.
2 = A new touch point shows up on a touch-screen, e.g., finger making contact
with surface.
3 = Touch point changes properties, e.g., finger moves, changes pressure,
distance or contact area.
4 = Touch point disappears, e.g., finger lifted from touch-screen surface.
5 = Touch sequence failure: Some other higher priority entity has cut us off
from the touch data stream. On reception of this type of event, one should wait
a bit, then Flush the event buffer and somehow handle the failure in data
reception, e.g., mark trial invalid, notify experimenter of trouble.
‘Time’ = The GetSecs time when the event was received.
‘Keycode’ = The KbCheck / KbName style keycode of the key, or the number of the
button that triggered this event on non-keyboard devices. The unique touch id of
a contact on a touch-screen. 0 for pure motion events or other non-press/release
‘Pressed’ = 1 for a key/button/finger press event, 0 for a release event. For
non-press/release events, e.g., mouse or joystick movements, it may report if
any button on that device is pressed, but don’t count on it.
‘CookedKey’ = Keycode translated into a GetChar() style ASCII character code. Or
zero if key does not have a corresponding character. Or -1 if mapping is
unsupported for given event.
‘ButtonStates’ = A binary value whose different bits signal the state of device
buttons, ie.
bitand (Buttons, 2^i) > 0 menas that the i’th button on the device was pressed
at that time. Currently only the first 32 buttons on a device are reported, and
this feature may only work on Linux with X11 windowing system for some event
types like keyboard, mouse/joystick movements, so use of this is not portable!
‘Motion’ = 1 if this is a motion event, e.g., mouse, joystick, knob, finger
motion, 0 otherwise.
‘X’ = For ‘Type’ 1 motion events, usually the x position of the pointer
associated with the pointing device at event delivery.
‘Y’ = For ‘Type’ 1 motion events, usually the y position of the pointer
associated with the pointing device at event delivery.
If raw event delivery is requested during the call to ‘KbQueueCreate’, depending
on operating system, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ may not always report mouse cursor position,
but something else, e.g., raw movement deltas - just like Valuators 1 and 2.
For ‘Type’ 0 events, this may report the location of the mouse pointer when a
keyboard key was pressed or released, at least on Linux with X11 windowing
system, but not neccessarily on all operating systems or windowing systems, so
don’t rely on it being portable!
For ‘Type’ 2/3/4 events, the location of the touch point, e.g., finger location
on a touch-screen, as mapped to the native display space of the system. On
Linux/X11 and MS-Windows these would be absolute screen pixel coordinates, just
like mouse pointer coordinates. On Linux/Wayland these would be pixel
coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the associated onscreen window.
Depending on touch device resolution, these can be fractional pixel locations,
ie. more accurate than 1 pixel.
‘NormX’ and ‘NormY’ are normalized versions of ‘X’ and ‘Y’. These values are not
available for all devices, or all operating systems. They may just return
constant zero.
‘Valuators’ = For ‘Type’ 1 motion events, a vector with the values of various
device-specific valuators, e.g., extra axis, levers or knobs on a joystick or
gamepad, or the mouse-wheel position on a mouse, or the touch pressure on a
touchpad, or pen pressure, orientation, hovering distance on a digitizer tablet.
The first two valuators encode the equivalent of ‘X’ and ‘Y’, but in
operating-system + device specific coordinates, ie. not neccessarily in units of
screen pixels. If raw event delivery is requested, those valuators may report
movement deltas instead of absolute positions, e.g., not absolute mouse position
but how much the mouse position has changed since the last reported event.
The meaning of the different remaining elements of the ‘Valuators’ vector is
completely device specific. The content is also operating system specific for
the same device, so scripts making use of these values may not be portable
across different devices or operating systems or even display systems for the
same OS+device.
For ‘Type’ 2/3/4 events, additional device and OS specific info about further
touch properties, e.g., contact area of a finger with the surface, contact
pressure, finger orientation, etc. Not portable across devices and operating

###See also: KbQueueCreate, KbQueueStart, KbQueueStop, KbQueueFlush, KbQueueRelease