
Psychtoolbox>Datapixx.{mex*} subfunction

Datapixx(‘RegWrPixelSync’, pixelSequence [, timeout=255]);

Write local register cache modifications to Datapixx when the specified pixel
sequence appears on the video display. This is a good way to write Datapixx
registers with microsecond synchronization to a specific location in a video
frame. All Datapixx Set* functions do fast writes to a local register cache on
the host, and all Datapixx Get* functions do fast reads from this local register
cache. RegWrPixelSync writes these cached register modifications back to the
Datapixx over USB. The cache writeback USB message is sent immediately and this
function returns quickly, but the Datapixx itself waits until the specified
pixel sequence is received before writing the registers.
-pixelSequence is a two dimensional array of 8-bit pixel values. Each column
contains the RGB values for one pixel in the sequence. The sequence can contain
from 1 to 8 pixels. The array must contain 3 rows; one row for each of the red,
green, and blue pixel components. For example, passing [255 0; 0 255; 0 0] would
wait until a red-green pixel pair is displayed.
Note that a display’s gamma setting can transform pixel values between the frame
buffer and the display. Use the GetVideoLine function to read back which pixel
values are really sent to the display when a pixel sequence is drawn in the
frame buffer. The pixel values returned by GetVideoLine are the values which
should be used in pixelSequence.
-timeout is the maximum number of video frames (0-65535) which the Datapixx
should wait before continuing to process USB traffic. If the timeout is reached
without the specified pixel sequence having been displayed, then the
pixelSyncTimeout field returned by GetVideoStatus will return true after the
next RegWrRd* command.
See DatapixxDacSyncDemo.m for examples.

###See also: RegWr, RegWrVideoSync, RegWrRdPixelSync, GetVideoStatus